Python API Reference

The module pycrazyswarm, contained in /ros_ws/src/crazyswarm/scripts, is the main high-level interface to the Crazyswarm platform.

The goal of the Crazyswarm project is to reach a state where many diverse multi-quadrotor research projects can be implemented without going any “deeper” than writing a pycrazyswarm script and modifying configuration files. New projects should try this approach first. If it becomes necessary to modify Crazyswarm or its submodules, we encourage users to contribute those changes back via Github pull request.

All classes in pycrazyswarm.crazyflie are mirrored by an identically named class in pycrazyswarm.crazyflieSim. The Sim version allows testing pycrazyswarm scripts in simulation with a 3D visualization before running anything on real hardware. Since the APIs are identical, the documentation only refers to the non-Sim versions.

Crazyflie class

class pycrazyswarm.crazyflie.Crazyflie(id, initialPosition, tf)

Object representing a single robot.

The bulk of the module’s functionality is contained in this class.


Sets the group mask bits for this robot.

The purpose of groups is to make it possible to trigger an action (for example, executing a previously-uploaded trajectory) on a subset of all robots without needing to send more than one radio packet. This is important to achieve tight, synchronized “choreography”.

Up to 8 groups may exist, corresponding to bits in the groupMask byte. When a broadcast command is triggered on the CrazyflieServer object with a groupMask argument, the command only affects those robots whose groupMask has a nonzero bitwise-AND with the command’s groupMask. A command with a groupMask of zero applies to all robots regardless of group membership.

Some individual robot (not broadcast) commands also support groupMask, but it is not especially useful in that case.


groupMask (int) – An 8-bit integer representing this robot’s membership status in each of the <= 8 possible groups.

enableCollisionAvoidance(others, ellipsoidRadii)

Enables onboard collision avoidance.

When enabled, avoids colliding with other Crazyflies by using the Buffered Voronoi Cells method [1]. Computation is performed onboard.

  • others (List[Crazyflie]) – List of other Crazyflie objects. In simulation, collision avoidance is checked only with members of this list. With real hardware, this list is ignored, and collision avoidance is checked with all other Crazyflies on the same radio channel.

  • ellipsoidRadii (array-like of float[3]) – Radii of collision volume ellipsoid in meters. The Crazyflie’s boundary for collision checking is a tall ellipsoid. This accounts for the downwash effect: Due to the fast-moving stream of air produced by the rotors, the safe distance to pass underneath another rotorcraft is much further than the safe distance to pass to the side.

[1] D. Zhou, Wang, Z., Bandyopadhyay, S., and Schwager, M.

Fast, On-line Collision Avoidance for Dynamic Vehicles using Buffered Voronoi Cells. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 1047 - 1054, 2017.


Disables onboard collision avoidance.

takeoff(targetHeight, duration, groupMask=0)

Execute a takeoff - fly straight up, then hover indefinitely.

Asynchronous command; returns immediately.

  • targetHeight (float) – The z-coordinate at which to hover.

  • duration (float) – How long until the height is reached. Seconds.

  • groupMask (int) – Group mask bits. See setGroupMask() doc.

land(targetHeight, duration, groupMask=0)

Execute a landing - fly straight down. User must cut power after.

Asynchronous command; returns immediately.

  • targetHeight (float) – The z-coordinate at which to land. Meters. Usually should be a few centimeters above the initial position to ensure that the controller does not try to penetrate the floor if the mocap coordinate origin is not perfect.

  • duration (float) – How long until the height is reached. Seconds.

  • groupMask (int) – Group mask bits. See setGroupMask() doc.


Cuts power to the motors when operating in low-level command mode.

Intended for non-emergency scenarios, e.g. landing with the possibility of taking off again later. Future low- or high-level commands will restart the motors.


groupMask (int) – Group mask bits. See setGroupMask() doc.

goTo(goal, yaw, duration, relative=False, groupMask=0)

Move smoothly to the goal, then hover indefinitely.

Asynchronous command; returns immediately.

Plans a smooth trajectory from the current state to the goal position. Will stop smoothly at the goal with minimal overshoot. If the current state is at hover, the planned trajectory will be a straight line; however, if the current velocity is nonzero, the planned trajectory will be a smooth curve.

Plans the trajectory by solving for the unique degree-7 polynomial that satisfies the initial conditions of the current position, velocity, and acceleration, and ends at the goal position with zero velocity and acceleration. The jerk (derivative of acceleration) is fixed at zero at both boundary conditions.


Calling goTo rapidly and/or with short durations (<< 1 sec) can cause instability. Consider using cmdPosition() instead.

  • goal (iterable of 3 floats) – The goal position. Meters.

  • yaw (float) – The goal yaw angle (heading). Radians.

  • duration (float) – How long until the goal is reached. Seconds.

  • relative (bool) – If true, the goal position is interpreted as a relative offset from the current position. Otherwise, the goal position is interpreted as absolute coordintates in the global reference frame.

  • groupMask (int) – Group mask bits. See setGroupMask() doc.

uploadTrajectory(trajectoryId, pieceOffset, trajectory)

Uploads a piecewise polynomial trajectory for later execution.

See for more information about piecewise polynomial trajectories.

  • trajectoryId (int) – ID number of this trajectory. Multiple trajectories can be uploaded. TODO: what is the maximum ID?

  • pieceOffset (int) – TODO(whoenig): explain this.

  • trajectory (pycrazyswarm.uav_trajectory.Trajectory) – Trajectory object.

startTrajectory(trajectoryId, timescale=1.0, reverse=False, relative=True, groupMask=0)

Begins executing a previously uploaded trajectory.

Asynchronous command; returns immediately.

  • trajectoryId (int) – ID number as given to uploadTrajectory().

  • timescale (float) – Scales the trajectory duration by this factor. For example if timescale == 2.0, the trajectory will take twice as long to execute as the nominal duration.

  • reverse (bool) – If true, executes the trajectory backwards in time.

  • relative (bool) – If true (default), the position of the trajectory is shifted such that it begins at the current position setpoint. This is usually the desired behavior.

  • groupMask (int) – Group mask bits. See setGroupMask() doc.

notifySetpointsStop(remainValidMillisecs=100, groupMask=0)

Informs that streaming low-level setpoint packets are about to stop.

Streaming setpoints are cmdVelocityWorld(), cmdFullState(), and so on. For safety purposes, they normally preempt onboard high-level commands such as goTo().

Once preempted, the Crazyflie will not switch back to high-level commands (or other behaviors determined by onboard planning/logic) until a significant amount of time has elapsed where no low-level setpoint was received.

This command short-circuits that waiting period to a user-chosen time. It should be called after sending the last low-level setpoint, and before sending any high-level command.

A common use case is to execute the land() command after using streaming setpoint modes.


remainValidMillisecs (int) – Number of milliseconds that the last streaming setpoint should be followed before reverting to the onboard-determined behavior. May be longer e.g. if one radio is controlling many robots.


Returns the last true position measurement from motion capture.

If at least one position measurement for this robot has been received from the motion capture system since startup, this function returns immediately with the most recent measurement. However, if no position measurements have been received, it blocks until the first one arrives.


Current position. Meters.

Return type

position (np.array[3])


Returns the current value of the onboard named parameter.

Parameters are named values of various primitive C types that control the firmware’s behavior. For more information, see

Parameters are read at system startup over the radio and cached. The ROS launch file can also be used to set parameter values at startup. Subsequent calls to setParam() will update the cached value. However, if the parameter changes for any other reason, the cached value might become stale. This situation is not common.


name (str) – The parameter’s name.


The parameter’s value.

Return type

value (Any)

setParam(name, value)

Changes the value of the given parameter.

See getParam() docs for overview of the parameter system.

  • name (str) – The parameter’s name.

  • value (Any) – The parameter’s value.


Changes the value of several parameters at once.

See getParam() docs for overview of the parameter system.


params (Dict[str, Any]) – Dict of parameter names/values.

cmdFullState(pos, vel, acc, yaw, omega)

Sends a streaming full-state controller setpoint command.

The full-state setpoint is most useful for aggressive maneuvers where feedforward inputs for acceleration and angular velocity are critical to obtaining good tracking performance. Full-state setpoints can be obtained from any trajectory parameterization that is at least three times differentiable, e.g. piecewise polynomials.

Sending a streaming setpoint of any type will force a change from high-level to low-level command mode. Currently, there is no mechanism to change back, but it is a high-priority feature to implement. This means it is not possible to use e.g. land() or goTo() after a streaming setpoint has been sent.

  • pos (array-like of float[3]) – Position. Meters.

  • vel (array-like of float[3]) – Velocity. Meters / second.

  • acc (array-like of float[3]) – Acceleration. Meters / second^2.

  • yaw (float) – Yaw angle. Radians.

  • omega (array-like of float[3]) – Angular velocity in body frame. Radians / sec.

cmdVelocityWorld(vel, yawRate)

Sends a streaming velocity-world controller setpoint command.

In this mode, the PC specifies desired velocity vector and yaw rate. The onboard controller will try to achive this velocity.

NOTE: the Mellinger controller is Crazyswarm’s default controller, but it has not been tuned (or even tested) for velocity control mode. Switch to the PID controller by changing firmwareParams.stabilizer.controller to 1 in your launch file.

Sending a streaming setpoint of any type will force a change from high-level to low-level command mode. Currently, there is no mechanism to change back, but it is a high-priority feature to implement. This means it is not possible to use e.g. land() or goTo() after a streaming setpoint has been sent.

  • vel (array-like of float[3]) – Velocity. Meters / second.

  • yawRate (float) – Yaw angular velocity. Degrees / second.


Interrupts any high-level command to stop and cut motor power.

Intended for non-emergency scenarios, e.g. landing with the possibility of taking off again later. Future low- or high-level commands will restart the motors. Equivalent of stop() when in high-level mode.

cmdVel(roll, pitch, yawrate, thrust)

Sends a streaming command of the “easy mode” manual control inputs.

The (absolute roll & pitch, yaw rate, thrust) inputs are typically used for manual flying by beginners or causal pilots, as opposed to the “acrobatic mode” inputs where roll and pitch rates are controlled instead of absolute angles. This mode limits the possible maneuvers, e.g. it is not possible to do a flip because the controller joystick would need to rotate 360 degrees.

For more information on streaming setpoint commands, see the cmdFullState() documentation.

!NOTE!: The angles and angular velocities in this command are in degrees, whereas they are in radians for cmdFullState.

TODO: should we change the name from cmdVel to something else? IMO (japreiss), cmdVel implies controlling linear velocity.

  • roll (float) – Roll angle. Degrees. Positive values == roll right.

  • pitch (float) – Pitch angle. Degrees. Positive values == pitch forward/down.

  • yawrate (float) – Yaw angular velocity. Degrees / second. Positive values == turn counterclockwise.

  • thrust (float) – Thrust magnitude. Non-meaningful units in [0, 2^16), where the maximum value corresponds to maximum thrust.

cmdPosition(pos, yaw=0)

Sends a streaming command of absolute position and yaw setpoint.

Useful for slow maneuvers where a high-level planner determines the desired position, and the rest is left to the onboard controller.

For more information on streaming setpoint commands, see the cmdFullState() documentation.


As a streaming setpoint, cmdPosition must be sent many times per second (10Hz is a conservative minimum). For applications that generate goal positions slowly, goTo() may be more appropriate, especially if the goal positions are far apart.

  • pos (array-like of float[3]) – Position. Meters.

  • yaw (float) – Yaw angle. Radians.

setLEDColor(r, g, b)

Sets the color of the LED ring deck.

While most params (such as PID gains) only need to be set once, it is common to change the LED ring color many times during a flight, e.g. as some kind of status indicator. This method makes it convenient.

PRECONDITION: The param “ring/effect” must be set to 7 (solid color) for this command to have any effect. The default mode uses the ring color to indicate radio connection quality.

This is a blocking command, so it may cause stability problems for large swarms and/or high-frequency changes.

  • r (float) – Red component of color, in range [0, 1].

  • g (float) – Green component of color, in range [0, 1].

  • b (float) – Blue component of color, in range [0, 1].

CrazyflieServer class

class pycrazyswarm.crazyflie.CrazyflieServer(crazyflies_yaml='../launch/crazyflies.yaml')

Object for broadcasting commands to all robots at once.

Also is the container for the individual Crazyflie objects.


List of one Crazyflie object per robot, as determined by the crazyflies.yaml config file.




Index to the same Crazyflie objects by their ID number (last byte of radio address).


Dict[int, Crazyflie]


Emergency stop. Cuts power; causes future commands to be ignored.

This command is useful if the operator determines that the control script is flawed, and that continuing to follow it will cause wrong/ self-destructive behavior from the robots. In addition to cutting power to the motors, it ensures that any future commands, both high- level and streaming, will have no effect.

The only ways to reset the firmware after an emergency stop has occurred are a physical hard reset or an nRF51 Reboot command.

takeoff(targetHeight, duration, groupMask=0)

Broadcasted takeoff - fly straight up, then hover indefinitely.

Broadcast version of Crazyflie.takeoff(). All robots that match the groupMask take off at exactly the same time. Use for synchronized movement. Asynchronous command; returns immediately.

  • targetHeight (float) – The z-coordinate at which to hover.

  • duration (float) – How long until the height is reached. Seconds.

  • groupMask (int) – Group mask bits. See setGroupMask() doc.

land(targetHeight, duration, groupMask=0)

Broadcasted landing - fly straight down. User must cut power after.

Broadcast version of All robots that match the groupMask land at exactly the same time. Use for synchronized movement. Asynchronous command; returns immediately.

  • targetHeight (float) – The z-coordinate at which to land. Meters. Usually should be a few centimeters above the initial position to ensure that the controller does not try to penetrate the floor if the mocap coordinate origin is not perfect.

  • duration (float) – How long until the height is reached. Seconds.

  • groupMask (int) – Group mask bits. See Crazyflie.setGroupMask() doc.

goTo(goal, yaw, duration, groupMask=0)

Broadcasted goTo - Move smoothly to goal, then hover indefinitely.

Broadcast version of Crazyflie.goTo(). All robots that match the groupMask start moving at exactly the same time. Use for synchronized movement. Asynchronous command; returns immediately.

While the individual goTo() supports both relative and absolute coordinates, the broadcasted goTo only makes sense with relative coordinates (since absolute broadcasted goTo() would cause a collision). Therefore, there is no relative kwarg.

See docstring of Crazyflie.goTo() for additional details.

  • goal (iterable of 3 floats) – The goal offset. Meters.

  • yaw (float) – The goal yaw angle (heading). Radians.

  • duration (float) – How long until the goal is reached. Seconds.

  • groupMask (int) – Group mask bits. See Crazyflie.setGroupMask() doc.

startTrajectory(trajectoryId, timescale=1.0, reverse=False, relative=True, groupMask=0)

Broadcasted - begins executing a previously uploaded trajectory.

Broadcast version of Crazyflie.startTrajectory(). Asynchronous command; returns immediately.

  • trajectoryId (int) – ID number as given to Crazyflie.uploadTrajectory().

  • timescale (float) – Scales the trajectory duration by this factor. For example if timescale == 2.0, the trajectory will take twice as long to execute as the nominal duration.

  • reverse (bool) – If true, executes the trajectory backwards in time.

  • relative (bool) – If true (default), the position of the trajectory is shifted such that it begins at the current position setpoint.

  • groupMask (int) – Group mask bits. See Crazyflie.setGroupMask() doc.

setParam(name, value)

Broadcasted setParam. See Crazyflie.setParam() for details.

TimeHelper class

class pycrazyswarm.crazyflie.TimeHelper

Object containing all time-related functionality.

This class mainly exists to support both real hardware and (potentially faster or slower than realtime) simulation with the same script. When running on real hardware, this class uses ROS time functions. The simulation equivalent does not depend on ROS.


No-op object conforming to the Visualizer API used in simulation scripts. Maintains the property that scripts should not know/care if they are running in simulation or not.


Returns the current time in seconds.


Sleeps for the provided duration in seconds.


Sleeps so that, if called in a loop, executes at specified rate.


Returns true if the script should abort, e.g. from Ctrl-C.

Switching between simulation and real hardware

Correct pycrazyswarm scripts should be able to run in both simulation and on real hardware without modification. Enable simulation and control the simulation parameters with the command-line flags listed below.

usage: python2 <> [-h] [--sim] [--vis {mpl,vispy,null}]
                                         [--dt DT] [--writecsv]
                                         [--disturbance DISTURBANCE]
                                         [--maxvel MAXVEL] [--video VIDEO]

Named Arguments


Run using simulation.

Default: False



Possible choices: mpl, vispy, null

Visualization backend.

Default: “mpl”


Duration of seconds between rendered visualization frames.

Default: 0.1


Enable CSV output.

Default: False


Simulate Gaussian-distributed disturbance when using cmdVelocityWorld.

Default: 0.0


Limit simulated velocity (meters/sec).

Default: numpy.inf


Video output path.

Note: rendering video output with the --video option requires an installation of ffmpeg with the libx264 encoder. This is provided in the Anaconda environment, but must be installed manually otherwise.